Indo-German Energy Forum Subgroup V on Green Hydrogen (formerly known as the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Taskforce)

IGEF Subgroup V meeting on Green Hydrogen
An exclusive first meeting of the IGEF Subgroup V on Green Hydrogen (which succeeded the former Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force) took place on 17 December 2024. The meeting was chaired by Shri Abhay Bakre, Mission Director, National Green Hydrogen Mission, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, and Dr. Christian Storost, Head of Division, International Hydrogen Ramp-up, Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The objective of the meeting was to update the Co-Chairs, and relevant partners on the recent Indo-German activities on green hydrogen cooperation and to deliberate on the implementation of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap, with a focus on proposed activities and events for 2025.
The IGEF Support Office will host the secretariat of the forthcoming Subgroup V on “Green Hydrogen” under the IGEF. The IGEF Support Office, the H2Uppp program, partner associations in the private sector and other relevant national and international green hydrogen support programs will support the implementation of the activities.
Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap Implementation Calendar 2025
An overview of major green hydrogen events will be updated here and on the National Green Hydrogen Portal
Private sector companies and associations are the main stakeholders for achieving the goals of the roadmap. The governments of India and Germany, through several cooperation programs, are supporting the Indian and German private sector in implementing the roadmap.
The IGEF Support Office will host the secretariat of the forthcoming Subgroup V on “Green Hydrogen” under the IGEF. The IGEF Support Office, the H2Uppp program, partner associations in the private sector and other relevant national and international green hydrogen support programs will support the implementation of the activities.
Upcoming Activities (2025)
4.4.2025 GH2 India Symposium 2.0
4.4.2025 VIP Networking Reception on International Green Hydrogen Cooperation, New Delhi: On the occasion of the visit of Dr. Christian Storost, Head of Hydrogen Division, German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Dr. Susana Moreira, Executive Director & Co-Chair of the Board of the H2Global Foundation, and Mr. Timo Bollerhey, Chief Executive Officer of HINT.CO GmbH with his team to India
4.4.2025 Green Hydrogen Project Developers' Networking Reception, New Delhi: On the occasion of the visit of Dr. Christian Storost, Head of Hydrogen Division, German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Dr. Susana Moreira, Executive Director & Co-Chair of the Board of the H2Global Foundation, and Mr. Timo Bollerhey, Chief Executive Officer of HINT.CO GmbH with his team to India
7.4.2025 Hintco Roadshow on 2nd H2Global Tender, Mumbai
22.4.2025 - 23.4.2025 9th Annual Conference on Green Hydrogen in India-Evolving Policy Regime and Project Pipeline by Renewable Watch
24.4.2025 - 26.4.2025 India Steel 2025 Exhibition and Conference organised by FICCI
7.5.2025 - 9.5.2025 The smarter E Europe (incl. Intersolar)
6.5.2025 - 7.5.2025 3rd PtX Green Shipping Training in Mumbai
8.5.2025 - 9.5.2025 India Ports Conference 2025, Mumbai
18.5.2025 - 24.5.2025 World Hydrogen Summit and Exhibition
2.6.2025 - 3.6.2025 Hamburg Sustainability Conference
23.6.2025 - 27.6.2025 India Energy Storage Week (IESW)
26.6.2025 Hydroverse Convention
29.9.2025 - 3.10.205 European Hydrogen Week
Past Activities (2025)
19.3.2025 - 20.3.2025 3rd Hydrogen India Summit
18.3.2025 - 22.3.2025 India Smart Utility Week 2025
18.3.2025 - 19.3.2025 Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue with multilateral exchange on international green hydrogen cooperation
17.3.2025 India’s Wind Energy Landscape: Unlocking Business Opportunities and Building Strategic Partnerships on the sidelines of Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue
12.3.2025 - 13.3.2025 The Global Hydrogen & Renewable Energy Summit
6.3.2025 German Indian Roundtable (GIRT) for Germany Businesses with Interest in India and presentation of Green Hydrogen Market Developments in India
5.3.2025 - 7.3.2025 World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS)
7.3.2025 RFNBO EU Certification Workshop for relevant Stakeholders with German Verifiers and Certifiers accredited by the EU
5.3.2025 RFNBO EU Certification Training for relevant Stakeholders with German Verifiers and Certifiers accredited by the EU
24.2.2025 - 25.2.2025 Prakriti 2025: 1st International Conference on Carbon Markets by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
23.2.2025 - 25.2.2025 5th Edition of the World Utility Summit
24.2.2025 GH2 Business Roundtable by IGEF-SO and Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) on the sidelines of ELECRAMA
22.2.2025 - 26.2.2025 16th Edition- Elecrama
21.2.2025 - 22.2.2025 Invest Kerala Global Summit
21.2.2025 Business Roundtable on Green Shipping by IGEF-SO and Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC)
20.2.2025 Green Shipping Conclave co-organised by the Directorate General of Shipping and Institute of Marine Engineers
12.2.2025 Launch of Women in Green Hydrogen (WIGH) South Asia Chapter, The smarter E India, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
12.2.2025 Business Roundtable on Green Hydrogen by IGEF-SO and Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC), The smarter E India, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
12.2.2025 Status Update on India's National Green Hydrogen Roadmap at The smarter E India, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
11.2.2025 - 14.2.2025 The smarter E India with the Smarter E-India German pavilion
10.2.2025 GH2 India Symposium
6.2.2025 Maritime Energy Transition Summit 2025 by DNV
4.2.2025 Session on Indo-German Green Hydrogen Cooperation in the framework of the annual conference of Hzwo e.V. in Leipzig
3.2.2025 - 7.2.2025 India Climate Week-2025
29.1.2025 - 30.1.2025 India Energy Transition Summit
29.1.2025 Presentation and Discussion on the IEA's World Energy Outlook 2024 Report
27.1.2025 National Centre of Excellence in Green and Shipping (NCoEGPS) Portal Lauch Function
22.1.2025 - 24.1.2025 Maritime India: Conference and Expo 2025 by FICCI
22.1.2025 Webinar on 2nd round of PtX Development Fund (Call for EoI starts on 8 January)
Official Release of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap
On behalf of the Governments of Germany and India, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Dr. Robert Habeck and Hon’ble Minister of Commerce and Industry, Shri Piyush Goyal, officially agreed and exchanged the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap in the august presence of the German Chancellor Shri Olaf Scholz and the Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi during the 7th Inter-Governmental Consultations (IGC) in New Delhi, on 25 October, 2024. The Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap can be downloaded here.

On 2 May 2022, the Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the Republic of India, under the co-chairmanship of the Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, respectively, held the 6th India-Germany Inter-Governmental Consultations. As per the final Joint Statement "both sides agreed to develop an Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap based on the inputs by the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force supported by the Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEF)."
Structure of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force
The Indian Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy, Shri R.K. Singh and German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Dr. Robert Habeck had earlier signed a Joint Declaration of Intent to establish an Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force.
Common Understanding Basis for the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force
The Governments of the Republic of India and the Federal Republic of Germany share the common goal of reducing their import dependency from fossil fuels and to decarbonise their economies. Both nations are committed to develop a national green hydrogen economy. The common long-term goal is to make green hydrogen economically viable. This requires a global upscale of green hydrogen production and offtake. India and Germany therefore support the establishment of a global green hydrogen economy, to facilitate the achievement of the goals under the Paris Agreement. Both sides are convinced that common goals can be achieved better in close cooperation, building on individual strengths and capacities.
The Subworking Groups of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force
The Task Force comprises of four Subworking Groups along the green hydrogen value chain:
- Plant Engineering and Production
- Transport, Storage and Consumption
- Finance, Insurance Industry and Trading
- Quality Infrastructure, Safety and Legal Framework
Each of the Subworking Groups is led by its elected Heads, who streamline the topics of discussion, convene meetings, and present the decisions taken to the Co-Chairs of the Task Force.

Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force Meetings
The Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force is co-chaired by Shri Ajay Yadav, Joint Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), and Dr. Christian Storost, Head of Division, Funding Instruments and Hydrogen Initiatives, Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The meetings are organised by the Indo-German Energy Forum Support Office. The heads of the 4 Subworking Groups under the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force regularly update the Co-Chairs of the Task Force on the activities and studies undertaken and give their inputs on proposed future activities as well as the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap for future cooperation to be presented to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India and Hon'ble Chancellor of Germany.

Extension of Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force
Ambassador Dr. Phillip Ackermann, German Embassy New Delhi and Hon'ble Secretary Shri Bhupinder Bhalla, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) signed the extension of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force on 19 July 2024. The Task Force is accelerating cooperation and investments in the green hydrogen economy.
Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force Kick-Off Meeting
After six bilateral meetings on green hydrogen under the Indo-German Energy Forum, the introductory meeting of the Task Force itself was co-chaired by Dr. Vandana Kumar, then Additional Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), and Dr. Stefanie Schmidt-Lübbert, then Head Bilateral Energy Cooperation, Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The meeting was organised by the Indo-German Energy Forum Support Office on 20 September 2022.

Decisions Taken in the Third Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force Meeting:
- Trade of green hydrogen remains in the centre of green hydrogen cooperation between both countries
- Duration of Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force to be extended with recommendation to institutionalise the Task Force under permanent structure as subworking group of the Indo-German Energy Forum
- Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap will be taken forward with focus on hydrogen hubs, certification, carbon markets and SAF & SMF
- Co-firing of green hydrogen in gas plants for the power sector to be further analysed
- Launch of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap envisaged for second half of 2024
- Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force members invited to RE-Invest and the 2nd Edition of the International Conference on Green Hydrogen
Decisions Taken in the Second Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force Meeting:
Subworking Group 1 on Plant Engineering and Production
- Update of Green Hydrogen Project Database to be continued
- Input to be given to Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap
- Further facilitation of interaction between Indian and German companies on Joint Project Development e.g. under H2Uppp at Trade Fairs & Conferences, Networking Events and Business Roundtables
- Mixed Government and Business Delegation to European Green Hydrogen Week in Brussels in November 2023 proposed
Subworking Group 2 on Transport, Storage and Consumption
- Study on Location Assessment for Green Ammonia Production
- Mapping tool on Logistics and Storage Infrastructure for GH2 and its Derivatives in India
- Session on Green H2 Cluster and Networks
- Input to be provided for Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap
Subworking Group 3 on Finance, Insurance Industry and Trading
- Further information dissemination on Green Hydrogen Financing and Trading options
- Further Business Roundtables to be held
- Session on insurance products related to green hydrogen production to be organised
- Input for Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap to be developed
Subworking Group 4 on Quality Infrastructure, Safety and Legal Framework
- Further focused knowledge sessions on standards, certification and norms required for building a GH2 ecosystem
- Analysis of water requirements and social impact of green hydrogen plants in rural India
- Report on potential national testing facility for new hydrogen related equipment
- Input to be given for development of Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap
Deliverables under the Subworking Groups
Subworking Group 1 on Plant Engineering & Production of Green Hydrogen
- Exchange on CO2-Certificates as additional revenue stream for green hydrogen sales with dedicated session on 15.02.2022:
"CO2 Certificates as Additional Revenue Stream for Green Hydrogen Sales" - Supplier directories for green hydrogen and fuel cell technology:
Supplier Directory P2X (VDMA publication)
Fuel Cell Industry Guide Germany 2022 (VDMA publication) - List of green hydrogen projects in Germany (The list is continuously updated and provided exclusively to members of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force).
- Presentation on "Deliverables under Subworking Group 1".
- Elaboration of list of green hydrogen projects in India.
The list is continuously updated and provided exclusively to members of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force. - List on upcoming conferences and trade fairs on green hydrogen.
The list is continuously updated and provided exclusively to members of the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force.
Subworking Group 2 on Transport, Storage and Consumption
- Clarification on minimum qualifying criteria for international H2Global/ tender especially on green chemical experience requirement.
- Tender information and clarification by H2Global/ has been shared: Deliveries - 675894-2022 - TED Tenders Electronic Daily ( / H2 Global Pilot Auction Results- Fertiglobe as the winning bidder for the renewable ammonia lot. Further information is available as brief, presentation and press release.
- Organisation of a knowledge session on international offtake of green hydrogen and its derivatives in shipping with perspective to include aviation "Decarbonising Shipping in India" (18.04.2023)
- Organisation of a dedicated session on Green H2 Cluster or networks/valleys with India Hydrogen Alliance, Renewable Energies Hamburg and DVGW (08.09.2023)
Subworking Group 3 on Finance, Insurance Industry & Trading
- Presentation on Carbon Markets for Green Hydrogen Projects (see webinar on 15.02.2023 "CO2 Certificates as Additional Revenue Stream for Green Hydrogen Sales").
- A dedicated session on German funding schemes and credit lines for Green Hydrogen Projects in India (22.03.2023).
- Presentation on the "German Funding Schemes for Green Hydrogen Projects” by Mr. Tobias Winter, Director, Indo- German Energy Forum (IGEF-SO)
- Presentation on the “PtX Platform- PtX Growth and Development Fund” by Mr. Karim ould Chih, KfW / Power-to-X DG GmbH
- More information on reliable national and international offtake to make projects in India bankable.
- Idea on the establishment of a Govt. backed PtX offtake guarantee fund to be further discussed.
- Promotion and information on first large scale (up to 900 Mio. EUR) international tender for green ammonia, green methanol and e-SAF. Information is continuously being shared.
Subworking Group 4 on Quality Infrastructure, Safety and Legal Framework
- Presentation on EU Requirements for Renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) by Ms. Johanna Friese, PtX Hub Germany (08.12.2022).
- Presentation on Regulatory Compliances for Commissioning of Hydrogen Projects by Mrs. Jyotsna Chaturvedi & Mr. Akhand Pratap Singh Chauhan, Maheshwari & Co. (06.03.2023).
- A dedicated presentation on the Presentation on Status quo EU Requirements for renewable hydrogen by Jan-Hendrik Scheyl and a Presentation on Complying with European Sustainability Criteria for Renewable Hydrogen by Simon Byrtus were the highlights of the virtual knowledge sharing session (11.04.2023)
- Roundtable on gap analysis of the existing framework for safety standards in India (24.04.2023)
- Launch of the "Study and Recommendations for Development of Internationally Compatible Green Hydrogen Standards in India" at the India Energy Storage Week 2024 (4 July 2024)
- A national testing facility for new hydrogen related equipment shall be considered under the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force.
- Analysis of social impacts of green hydrogen plants in rural India to be further examined.