Intersolar Europe 2022
Visit of Hon’ble Minister Shri Bhagwanth Khuba at the smarter E Europe 2022
On the occasion of the visit of Hon’ble Minister Shri Bhagwanth Khuba, Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), to Germany, the Indo-German Energy Forum Support Office organised a dialogue event on "Latest Developments in India’s Solar Energy and Battery Storage Market”. The event took place on 12 May 2022 in the framework of the largest conference and trade fair for solar energy and battery storage in Europe: The smarter E Europe 2022. Welcome remarks were given by Ms. Stefanie Schmid-Lübbert, Head of Division Bilateral Energy Cooperation, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Smt. Suman Sharma, Managing Director, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), Shri Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, Hon’ble Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and Hon’ble Minister Shri Bhagwanth Khuba, MNRE.
Mr. Vinay Rustagi, Managing Director of Bridge to India, gave an insightful presentation on the ongoing energy transition in India and the challenges along the way. Key trends such as the development of India into a global green hydrogen hub were discussed. More than 60 people attended the event.
The smarter E Europe 2022 took place from 10 - 13 May in Munich. More than 65,000 visitors from 149 countries visited a total of four trade fairs - Intersolar Europe, ees Europe, Power2Drive Europe and EM-Power Europe. More than 1300 exhibitors from 46 countries presented their projects, products, and solutions in the fields of solar energy, energy storage, digital grids and electromobility. Next year's fairs will take place from 14 - 16 June 2023.
On 12 May, representatives of German companies and associations were given several opportunities to speak with Hon’ble Minister Shri Bhagwanth Khuba, Hon’ble Secretary Shri Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi and Smt. Suman Sharma about investment plans in India and related topics. The focus of the discussions held was on the latest developments in the Indian and European solar markets and what opportunities for future market development and cooperation may be further explored. Company representatives took the opportunity to present their current activities and commitment in India.
Impressions of the event