About - How we are organised
The high-level steering committee of the IGEF, also called “Forum”, is the highest embodiment of the Indo-German Energy Partnership. It takes place annually and provides a platform for high-level policy makers and representatives from industry, associations, financial institutions and research organisations from both India and Germany.

5 Subgroups define the IGEF agenda
The IGEF agenda is essentially defined by five Subgroups which convene on a regular basis and bring together experts from industry, research institutions and state authorities on a working level in India and Germany:
Questions to be addressed and discussed in the Subgroups
Questions to be addressed and discussed in the Subgroups with private sector stakeholders include questions like the adaption, deployment and dissemination of climate-friendly technologies in India and Germany or current market restraints and possible measures to overcome them.
Task forces devise and implement projects
Within the Subgroups, several task forces have been set up to devise and implement specific cooperation projects, such as the Excellence Enhancement Centre for the Indian power sector or the development of an energy performance assessment tool for residential buildings. Additional task forces concerning further topics may be created at the initiative of representatives of the relevant government agencies, private sector and other experts.
Indian and German institutions as stakeholders and cooperation partners
The German Ministries (BMZ, BMU and BMWI) and government agencies (GIZ and KFW) have partnered in the energy sector with Indian ministries (MoP and MNRE), Indian government agencies (BEE and CEA) Indian financial institutions (IREDA and NHB), Indian utilities (NTPC), and various Indian state governments. Apart from this, notable cooperation efforts have been made between the Indian and German educational institutions and private sectors. All of them are the stakeholders of the IGEF apart from the private sector from both countries.
The IGEF Support Office (IGEF-SO) provides liaison services for all stakeholders
The IGEF Support Office (IGEF-SO) provides liaison services for all stakeholders. It identifies possible topics for the IGEF dialogue and supports private sector projects. It serves as a first point of contact both to the Indian and German governments as well as companies seeking to get involved in the process. Moreover, the IGEF-SO answers queries regarding proposals for the IGEF dialogue or IGEF projects and any other subject relevant to the private sector
The Support Office (IGEF-SO) has offices in New Delhi and Berlin to liaise between all participants in the IGEF process.